
Pacifico Dream nabs a game Argyle right on the line at Albion Park last Saturday. Always Smokin is making good ground for third.

Aaargh, pipped on the post, but from the pole Argyle can make a big splash this week

Everything sets up beautifully for Argyle at Albion Park on Saturday night and not even Queensland’s big wet is expected to stop him from getting a major slice of the prize money.

Trainer Mark Dux says it’s hardly stopped raining since Argyle went down by a lip last week, collared right on the line, the conditions forcing him to have an easy week’s training.

“A lot of people didn’t work their horses on Tuesday morning but I’m not worried about Argyle as he’s been racing week in and week out.”

Argyle still exercised, Dux able to trot horses on his walker, enough to keep them ticking over.

“The amount of rain we’ve had this year is ridiculous but everyone is in the same boat.”

Argyle showed how hard fit he was last Saturday night when he faced the breeze throughout, as Dux predicted he most probably would, and was in front until the last stride, when the favourite Pacifico Dream nabbed him half a head.

“I thought he had it - he was caught virtually right on the line. It was just unfortunate the favourite got the perfect trip behind us.”

Argyle, only the fifth favourite who was paying $4 for a place on early fixed odds, combined with third-placed Always Smokin for a $50 trifecta, again confidently tipped by Dux as the likely result.

There’s no Pacifico Dream this week, only Always Smokin, and with Argyle landing only his second pole position in 16 months in Queensland, Dux is understandably bullish about his chances.

“Hell go into the race as one of the favourites for sure and he’ll get a nice trip whether we lead or trail and he should finish top three again.

“We’ll come off the gate well and hopefully be good enough to hold Alta Magacian beside us. But even if he crosses us, that’s not a bad scenario, as he’s a decent horse who should get us to the corner.

“I reckon Argyle would be better in the lead - that way you’re out of trouble and you run your own race at your own speed. If you’re trailing and the leader gets tired, it can be a bad spot.

“But I wouldn’t think Alta Magacian would tire - he won when he led a couple of weeks ago and is one of the major chances on Saturday.”

Trailing Alta Magacian would also make it harder for Stormtide to win, as he’d be trapped three deep behind Argyle.

Dux isn’t sure Always Smokin can cross his two main rivals at the start but his consistent formline suggests he’ll again be hard to beat. He closed resolutely last week behind Argyle after having to make his run four wide on the home turn.

Argyle races at 10.09pm NZ time at Albion Park on Saturday night.Argyle races at 10.09pm NZ time at Albion Park on Saturday night.

Our runners this week: How our trainers rate them

Mark Dux

Mark Dux’s comments

Wednesday night at Redcliffe

Race 1: Captain Nemo
7.17pm NZ time

“It’s a reasonable field, they’re not push-overs, but they’re all beatable. It will all come down to who gets the right trip. If we have something go our way we could get some of it as there’s not a lot between them and I don’t think he’s far off now. We’ve got a bad draw again and there’s a bit of speed inside us so I’ll tell Angus to just play it by ear.”

Ray Green

Ray’s comments

Friday night at Auckland

Race 4: Lincoln La Moose

“He’s a pretty good horse. He was still below his best last time at Cambridge - he needed the race - but went very well for second behind King’s Watch. With his ace draw, he should be right up there for Zac (Butcher). He always looked a bit delicate but he’s got tougher.”

Race 4: Obadiah Dragon

“He’ll go a good race but our others look better here. His last run was below par for him so we took a blood off him and he had a bit of a virus going on. He was at the tail end of it but it was enough to stop him.”

Race 4: Lincoln Lou

“Even if he’s half a run short, I don’t think it will matter, he’ll still be too good for this lot. He only had a mild virus which came right with treatment and he’s trained on well since. He feels pretty good and if I was betting man, I’d bet him for sure based on his last run, which was massive.”

Race 4: Sugar Ray Lincoln

“He’s in a ‘coming of age’ phase. He rushed up beside them last start and wanted to lay all over them and give them a hug. But that’s normal coltish behaviour. He does that in training as well, rushes up and switches off. He has a lot of ability but also a few little behaviour traits that we need to get on top of.”

Race 6: My Copy

“It won’t be easy from four on the second row but he’s very honest and, if opportunity knocks, he’ll be right there. If he gets a trip, he’s always ready to pounce.”

Race 9: Tyson

“He should be one of the favourites. The raw ability is there and he’ll definitely win races as he has a bit of speed. How far he will take us we have yet to find out but I thought he did really well last time given the run he had.”

Race Images - Harness